Baseline Panel/Profile

Regular health screenings are essential for early disease detection. Avon Animal Hospital offers baseline panel testing to assess your pet’s overall health. This comprehensive test provides critical information about your pet’s internal functions, allowing us to catch potential health issues before they become serious, and to maintain a long-term record of your pet’s health.

General Panel/CBC (Complete Blood Count)

Blood testing is a vital part of diagnosing and monitoring your pet’s health. Avon Animal Hospital offers General Panel/CBC (Complete Blood Count) services to assess your pet’s blood cells and identify any abnormalities. These tests help detect infections, anemia, and other blood-related conditions, allowing for timely and effective treatment.

Geriatric Panels

Senior pets have specific health needs, and regular monitoring is essential for early detection of age-related conditions. Avon Animal Hospital provides geriatric panels to evaluate your older pet’s health, focusing on organs, blood function, and overall well-being. Our senior wellness programs are designed to ensure your pet enjoys a comfortable and healthy life in their golden years.

Skin Scraping

When your pet is experiencing skin issues, skin scraping can help diagnose the underlying problem. Avon Animal Hospital offers skin scraping services to test for parasites, fungal infections, and other skin conditions. Our team uses this simple yet effective diagnostic tool to quickly identify issues and provide the appropriate treatment.


Imaging plays an important role in diagnosing internal conditions. Avon Animal Hospital provides advanced radiology services to identify fractures, tumors, and other internal health issues. Our high-quality imaging technology allows us to create detailed scans of your pet’s internal structures, helping us to make accurate diagnoses and guide treatment.


Tonometry is used to measure the pressure inside your pet’s eyes, helping to detect conditions like glaucoma. Avon Animal Hospital offers tonometry as part of our eye care services to ensure your pet’s ocular health. Early detection of pressure changes can prevent further damage and help maintain your pet’s vision.


For a closer look at your pet’s internal organs, Avon Animal Hospital offers ultrasonography. This non-invasive imaging tool provides real-time insights into your pet’s health, helping us diagnose conditions related to the heart, liver, kidneys, and more. Our team uses ultrasonography to offer a thorough assessment of your pet’s internal systems.

Endocrinology (Hormones – Diabetes, Addison’s, Cushing’s, Thyroid Testing)

Hormonal imbalances can lead to serious health issues in pets, including diabetes, Addison’s disease, Cushing’s syndrome, and thyroid dysfunction. Avon Animal Hospital offers comprehensive endocrinology testing to assess and monitor your pet’s hormone levels. Our detailed diagnostic approach helps detect and manage these conditions effectively, ensuring your pet stays healthy and balanced.

Progesterone Testing

For breeders, progesterone testing is a crucial tool in determining the optimal breeding time for your dog. Avon Animal Hospital offers this service to help track hormone levels and guide you through the breeding process. Our experienced team ensures accurate results, helping to increase the chances of a successful and healthy pregnancy.


When your pet has a lump or growth that requires further investigation, histopathology allows us to analyze the tissue in detail. Avon Animal Hospital provides in-house histopathology services to determine if tumors are benign or malignant. This precise diagnostic process helps us recommend the best course of treatment for your pet.


Urinalysis is a valuable diagnostic tool for detecting issues related to your pet’s kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract. Avon Animal Hospital offers this quick and non-invasive test to monitor for infections, stones, or other abnormalities. By analyzing your pet’s urine, we can diagnose and treat urinary conditions early, helping maintain their overall health.

Clotting Factor Diagnostic

Pets with clotting disorders require special care and monitoring. Avon Animal Hospital provides clotting factor diagnostics to assess your pet’s ability to form blood clots properly. This test is critical in surgical planning and for pets with suspected bleeding disorders, ensuring that we can take the necessary precautions to protect their health.

Microscopic Evaluation of Ear Mites/Ear Cytology

Pets suffering from ear infections or mites may experience discomfort and irritation. Avon Animal Hospital offers microscopic evaluation of ear mites and ear cytology to accurately diagnose the cause of ear issues. This diagnostic service allows us to develop effective treatment plans, helping your pet recover quickly from ear-related problems.

In-House Lab

Our in-house lab at Avon Animal Hospital enables us to perform a wide range of diagnostic tests quickly and accurately. From blood work to urinalysis, we can assess your pet’s health without the delays associated with sending samples to external labs. This allows us to diagnose and treat your pet’s condition efficiently.

Snap Testing (Parvo Infection in Dogs, FELV/FIV for Cats, Pancreatitis in Dogs/Cats)

Snap testing offers a quick and reliable way to detect serious infections in pets. Avon Animal Hospital provides snap tests for parvo in dogs, FELV/FIV in cats, and pancreatitis in both dogs and cats. This rapid diagnostic tool helps us make immediate decisions on the best treatment options for your pet.

Echo (Specialist)

For pets with suspected heart conditions, echocardiograms provide detailed images of the heart’s structure and function. Avon Animal Hospital partners with veterinary specialists to offer echo services, helping diagnose heart diseases accurately. This non-invasive imaging technique is essential for understanding your pet’s heart health and guiding their treatment plan.

Titer Tests

Vaccines are vital for your pet’s health, but some pets may already have immunity. Avon Animal Hospital offers titer tests to measure the level of antibodies in your pet’s system, helping determine whether they need additional vaccinations. This test ensures that your pet receives only the necessary vaccinations while maintaining their immunity.


Parasites can seriously impact your pet’s health if left untreated. At Avon Animal Hospital, we provide parasitology testing to detect and identify internal and external parasites. Whether it’s gastrointestinal worms, mites, or ticks, our team uses advanced diagnostic techniques to treat and prevent parasitic infestations, keeping your pet healthy and protected.

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